Key Takeaways
Over the course of our three-day forum, we learned a lot! We hope you find our takeaways as insightful and exciting as we do!
Part 1.2: Self Reflection: Digital Therapeutic Strategies
Overview: There are many aspects surrounding the Self Reflection stage of startup development! Please enjoy these next takeaways from our forum regarding Start-up Self-Reflection!
- Co-Creation: Partnership opportunities help avoid fragmentation and have never been more numerous.
- Procurement Preparation: Distinguishing a DTx solution through individual skill sets, proper communications, and workflow integrations is critical to achieve scale, and ultimately, procurement.
- Internal Champions: Having an internal champion at a large company is one of the most critical factors to a DTx solution’s success.
- Complementary, Not Competitive: Working with providers requires ensuring they know a start-up is not trying to “steal” their patients. Complementary DTx solutions lead to a deeper level of conversation between physicians and patients after treatment.
Stay Tuned!
Stay tuned as we cannot wait to share more of our major takeaways in the coming weeks, along with exciting new event notices and engagements that we are working on! Check it all out at https://echostrategies.biz/