Whether its automotive design, commercial art or green architecture, successful design requires both innovation and organizational skills.

Metromode and the College for Creative Studies (CCS) through its Toyota Lecture Fund present a morning of best and next practices (as well as coffee and pastries) as Louis Musante offers up his organizational blueprint for design innovation.

Lou Musante managing partner at Echo Strategies

Lou Musante managing partner at Echo Strategies

The managing partner of Echo Strategies, Musante has made the development of these skills the cornerstone of his think and do tank. His firm specializes in customer listening, organizational culture assessment and new product development.

Musante will review the role of organizational culture, regional diversity and what it means to “think inside the box,” as well as discuss the power of looking and listening to stakeholders.

The event is free to Metromode’s readers and will be held on Friday, September 21st from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m at the Wendell W. Anderson, Jr. Auditorium in the Walter B. Ford II Building at the College for Creative Studies.


Along with his duties at Echo Strategies, Louis Musante is also a founding partner of Catalytix Group (formerly part of the Richard Florida Creativity Group). He has helped economic development and business leadership groups design performance measurement benchmarking systems and strategic plans that focus on regional knowledge economies.

Original Post by Metro Mode Media